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قراءة كتاب A Mechanico-Physiological Theory of Organic Evolution

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‏اللغة: English
A Mechanico-Physiological Theory of Organic Evolution

A Mechanico-Physiological Theory of Organic Evolution

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8

number of parts in a stage of ontogeny, differentiation follows as far as the nature of the functions permits, by the parts most separated passing into each other by intermediate gradations. By the further phylogenetic process of reduction the intermediate forms are suppressed. At last only the extreme products of differentiation lie near each other in space or follow upon each other in time; and these products are as limited in quantity and number as possible.

Along with the above named phylogenetic processes, which take place by the automatic increase of the idioplasm, external influences are always active. These lend to the organism at times a local stamp corresponding to its environment, and follow the law of adaptation.


Since the simplest plants are cells and the more complex ones are formed from cells, a whole phylogenetic line may be regarded as a series of cell generations following one after another. In the lowest forms all cell generations are like each other; in all others they show differences which become continually greater and more numerous. Thus alternation of generations in cells exists, because the successive generations become more and more complicated at each succeeding period. Among these periods the ontogenetic period or ontogeny embraces all generations from one cell to the return of the exactly similar kind of cell. In the lowest forms of cell differentiation the cells of successive generations are all independent; the ontogenetic period consists of a cycle of generations of unicellular plants. Later the cell generations of an ontogeny are united by parts into plant individuals; the ontogenetic period consists of a cycle of multicellular and unicellular, or only of multicellular plant generations. If all the cell generations of an ontogenetic period have been united into a single individual, the successive plant generations are alike and alternation of generations has ceased.

The unlikeness of the generations arises either from inner causes of temporary differentiation alone, or by temporary differentiation which receives a definite imprint by the change of seasons. But in the latter case the characteristic of adaptation is again lost in the course of the phylogeny and alternation of generations follows then without regard to the season. If the given adaptation is united in the lower plants with alternation of generations during the ontogenetic periods, one of the unlike plant generations is repeated an indefinite number of times (repetitional generation), while the other unlike plant generation appears only once and then at the beginning of the resting stage and remains latent in the form of a resting spore till the beginning of the next period of generation. With this peculiar transition generation, which has arisen in the lower stages asexually, and in the following higher stages by the union of a male and a female cell, and which hence is hermaphrodite, there are generally associated later two other single generations—viz., a generation preceding and one following the hermaphrodite, the former as a sex-producing generation, the other as a sex-produced generation.

The phylogenetic significance of the alternation of generations consists in its representing a transition stage from the unicellular to the simpler multicellular and from the latter to the more complex multicellular plants. The plant generations of any phylogenetic stage increase by ampliation, become unlike by differentiation in time (alternation of generations), and unite in a plant individual, whose unlike ontogenetic stages correspond to the unlike plant generations of the earlier ancestral series.


All organic phenomena belong, according to their causes, to two different classes: (1) Those belonging to one group are the results of external influences in each ontogeny and are not inherited; they represent nutrition varieties, are experimentally demonstrable, and constitute the subject matter of experimental physiology. (2) The others are inherited and again transmitted; they belong to the physiology of the idioplasm. This subject is mainly occupied with the origin of the determinants, hence with the formation of varieties and species. It is not the subject of experiment, and constitutes the phylogeny or the physiology of the formation of determinants. A sub-division of this subject is occupied with the development of the determinants already present, hence with the formation of races. It is elucidated especially by experiments in crossing and may be designated as the physiology of the development of the determinants.

The morphological phenomena which find their application in taxonomy, belong exclusively to phylogeny. Their ontogenetic history does not explain their true significance; this can be known only in a phylogenetic way by comparison of one phenomenon with those phenomena from which it has arisen in the course of evolution.


Spontaneous generation has taken place at all times and in all places, in as far as the necessary conditions were concurrently present. (See page 47). After spontaneous generation the automatic phylogenetic evolution begins and advances constantly. Consequently the phylogenetic line rises from time to time to higher stages of organization and division of labor, but dies of old age if the automatic perfecting process ceases. The phylogenetic lines of organisms now living have therefore an unequal age; those of the most highly developed plants and animals had their origin in the earliest periods of organic life, those of the lowest organisms in the most recent periods. Hence no general genetic relation exists among lines now living; only those that are nearly related and have reached approximately equal stages of organization may be regarded as branches of the same phylogenetic stock. A phylogenetic plant system does not exist in fact, but only in figure.

If genetic relation between two races is assumed, either as a reality or as a symbol, the degree of relationship is determined in a theoretically exact manner by the number and length of the phylogenetic steps which are found either between them both or between them and the common starting point, according as races belong to the same or collateral lines. The fact that two organisms belong to the same line of descent is recognized from the ontogeny of the higher including the ontogeny of the lower.

Since only a proportionately small number of known forms can appear as types of the supposed stages of evolution, only a few phylogenetic lines, and these only in a general way, may be established, on account of the great incompleteness of the present plant world. Such a line proceeds from the green filamentous algæ through the liverworts to the vascular plants. Among the phanerogams, apparently so numerously represented, only phylogenetic series of individual organs can be ascertained, but no phylogenetic series of families. A phylogenetic system of phanerogams is not to be hazarded in the roughest outline. Even the relative rank of the two chief divisions of the angiosperms, the monocotyledons and dicotyledons, is a matter of question, as also which family in each of these divisions is to be considered the most perfect.
