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قراءة كتاب Japanese Prints

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Japanese Prints

Japanese Prints

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

class="right">John Gould Fletcher.

Part I

Lovers Embracing

Force and yielding meet together:
An attack is half repulsed.
Shafts of broken sunlight dissolving
Convolutions of torpid cloud.

A Picnic Under the Cherry Trees

The boat drifts to rest
Under the outward spraying branches.
There is faint sound of quavering strings,
The reedy murmurs of a flute,
The soft sigh of the wind through silken garments;
All these are mingled
With the breeze that drifts away,
Filled with thin petals of cherry blossom,
Like tinkling laughter dancing away in sunlight.

Court Lady Standing Under Cherry Tree

She is an iris,
Dark purple, pale rose,
Under the gnarled boughs
That shatter their stars of bloom.
She waves delicately
With the movement of the tree.
Of what is she dreaming?
Of long nights lit with orange lanterns,
Of wine cups and compliments and kisses of the two-sword men.
And of dawn when weary sleepers
Lie outstretched on the mats of the palace,
And of the iris stalk that is broken in the fountain.

Court Lady Standing Under a Plum Tree

Autumn winds roll through the dry leaves
On her garments;
Autumn birds shiver
Athwart star-hung skies.
Under the blossoming plum-tree,
She expresses the pilgrimage
Of grey souls passing,
Athwart love's scarlet maples
To the ash-strewn summit of death.

A Beautiful Woman

Must be her name.
Tall and lonely as the mountain-iris,
Cold and distant.
She has never known longing:
Many have died for love of her.

A Reading

"And the prince came to the craggy rock
But saw only hissing waves
So he rested all day amid them."
He listens idly,
He is content with her voice.
He dreams it is the murmur
Of distant wave-caps breaking
Upon the painted screen.

An Actor as a Dancing Girl

The peony dancer
Swirls orange folds of dusty robes
Through the summer.
They are spotted with thunder showers,
Falling upon the crimson petals.
Heavy blooms
Breaking and spilling fiery cups

Josan No Miya

She is a fierce kitten leaping in sunlight
Towards the swaying boughs.
She is a gust of wind,
Bending in parallel curves the boughs of the willow-tree.

An Oiran and her Kamuso

Gilded hummingbirds are whizzing
Through the palace garden,
Deceived by the jade petals
Of the Emperor's jewel-trees.

Two Ways of Love

The wind half blows her robes,
That subside
As swaying pines.
The wind tosses hers
In circles
That recoil upon themselves:
How should I love—as the swaying or tossing wind?

Kurenai-ye or "Red Picture"

She glances expectantly
Through the pine avenue,
To the cherry-tree summit
Where her lover will appear.
Faint rose anticipation colours her,
And sunset;
She is a cherry-tree that has taken long to bloom.

A Woman Standing by a Gate with an Umbrella

Late summer changes to autumn:
Chrysanthemums are scattered
Behind the palings.
Gold and vermilion
