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قراءة كتاب Quotations from the Project Gutenberg Editions of the Collected Works of George Meredith

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‏اللغة: English
Quotations from the Project Gutenberg Editions of the Collected Works of George Meredith

Quotations from the Project Gutenberg Editions of the Collected Works of George Meredith

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

To be a really popular hero anywhere in Britain (must be a drinker)
You're a rank, right-down widow, and no mistake

RHODA FLEMING, V3 [GM#29][GM29V10.TXT]4423

All women are the same—Know one, know all
Exceeding variety and quantity of things money can buy
He will be a part of every history (the fool)
I never pay compliments to transparent merit
I haven't got the pluck of a flea
Love dies like natural decay
Pleasant companion, who did not play the woman obtrusively among men
Silence is commonly the slow poison used by those who mean to murder love
The woman seeking for an anomaly wants a master
The backstairs of history (Memoirs)
To be her master, however, one must not begin by writhing as her slave
Wait till the day's ended before you curse your luck
With this money, said the demon, you might speculate
Work is medicine

RHODA FLEMING, V4 [GM#30][GM30V10.TXT]4424

Ashamed of letting his ears be filled with secret talk
Full-o'-Beer's a hasty chap
Gravely reproaching the tobacconist for the growing costliness of cigars
He lies as naturally as an infant sucks
I would cut my tongue out, if it did you a service
Inferences are like shadows on the wall
Marriage is an awful thing, where there's no love
One learns to have compassion for fools, by studying them
Principle of examining your hypothesis before you proceed to decide by it
Rhoda will love you. She is firm when she loves
Sort of religion with her to believe no wrong of you
The unhappy, who do not wish to live, and cannot die
You choose to give yourself to an obscure dog

RHODA FLEMING, V5 [GM#31][GM31V10.TXT]4425

You who may have cared for her through her many tribulations, have no fear
Can a man go farther than his nature?
Cold curiosity
Found by the side of the bed, inanimate, and pale as a sister of death
Sinners are not to repent only in words
So long as we do not know that we are performing any remarkable feat
There were joy-bells for Robert and Rhoda, but none for Dahlia


A fleet of South-westerly rainclouds had been met in mid-sky
All women are the same—Know one, know all
Ashamed of letting his ears be filled with secret talk
Borrower to be dancing on Fortune's tight-rope above the old abyss
But you must be beautiful to please some men
But the key to young men is the ambition, or, in the place of it…..
But great, powerful London—the new universe to her spirit
Can a man go farther than his nature?
Childish faith in the beneficence of the unseen Powers who feed us
Cold curiosity
Dahlia, the perplexity to her sister's heart, lay stretched….
Dead Britons are all Britons, but live Britons are not quite brothers
Developing stiff, solid, unobtrusive men, and very personable women
Exceeding variety and quantity of things money can buy
Found by the side of the bed, inanimate, and pale as a sister of death
Full-o'-Beer's a hasty chap
Gravely reproaching the tobacconist for the growing costliness of cigars
He had no recollection of having ever dined without drinking wine
He tried to gather his ideas, but the effort was like that of a light dreamer
He lies as naturally as an infant sucks
He will be a part of every history (the fool)
I haven't got the pluck of a flea
I never pay compliments to transparent merit
I would cut my tongue out, if it did you a service
Inferences are like shadows on the wall
It was her prayer to heaven that she might save a doctor's bill
Land and beasts! They sound like blessed things
Love dies like natural decay
Marriage is an awful thing, where there's no love
Mrs. Fleming, of Queen Anne's Farm, was the wife of a yeoman
My first girl—she's brought disgrace on this house
My plain story is of two Kentish damsels
One learns to have compassion for fools, by studying them
Pleasant companion, who did not play the woman obtrusively among men
Principle of examining your hypothesis before you proceed to decide by it
Rhoda will love you. She is firm when she loves
Silence is commonly the slow poison used by those who mean to murder love
Sinners are not to repent only in words
So long as we do not know that we are performing any remarkable feat
Sort of religion with her to believe no wrong of you
The unhappy, who do not wish to live, and cannot die
The kindest of men can be cruel
The idea of love upon the lips of ordinary men, provoked Dahlia's irony
The backstairs of history (Memoirs)
The woman seeking for an anomaly wants a master
Then, if you will not tell me
There were joy-bells for Robert and Rhoda, but none for Dahlia
To be a really popular hero anywhere in Britain (must be a drinker)
To be her master, however, one must not begin by writhing as her slave
Wait till the day's ended before you curse your luck
William John Fleming was simply a poor farmer
With this money, said the demon, you might speculate
Work is medicine
You who may have cared for her through her many tribulations, have no fear
You choose to give yourself to an obscure dog
You're a rank, right-down widow, and no mistake


A man who rejected medicine in extremity
A share of pity for the objects she despised
A sixpence kindly meant is worth any crown-piece that's grudged
A youth who is engaged in the occupation of eating his heart
Accustomed to be paid for by his country
British hunger for news; second only to that for beef
Brotherhood among the select who wear masks instead of faces
By forbearance, put it in the wrong
Cheerful martyr
Common voice of praise in the mouths of his creditors
Embarrassments of an uncongenial employment
Empty stomachs are foul counsellors
Equally acceptable salted when it cannot be had fresh
Far higher quality is the will that can subdue itself to wait
Few feelings are single on this globe
Gentlefolks like straight-forwardness in their inferiors
He squandered the guineas, she patiently picked up the pence
His wife alone, had, as they termed it, kept him together
I'll come as straight as I can
Informed him that he never played jokes with money, or on men
It was in a time before our joyful era of universal equality
It's no use trying to be a gentleman if you can't pay for it
Lay no petty traps for opportunity
Looked as proud as if he had just clapped down the full amount
Man without a penny in his pocket, and a gizzard full of pride
Men they regard as their natural prey
Most youths are like Pope's women; they have no character
Occasional instalments—just to freshen the account
Oh! I can't bear that class of people
Partake of a morning draught
Patronizing woman
Propitiate common sense on behalf of what seems tolerably absurd
Rare as epic song is the man who is thorough in what he does
Requiring natural services from her in the button department
Said she was what she would have given her hand not to be
She was at liberty to weep if she pleased
She, not disinclined to dilute her grief
Speech that has to be hauled from the depths usually betrays
Such a man was banned by the world, which was to be despised?
Tenderness which Mrs. Mel permitted
