قراءة كتاب The Fool: A Play in Four Acts

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‏اللغة: English
The Fool: A Play in Four Acts

The Fool: A Play in Four Acts

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7


Permit me. [Helping her.] Some coat!

Mrs. Thornbury

Yes ... thanks.... See you all tomorrow at the Christmas Service! Good-bye, everybody! And Mr. Goodkind! Miss Jewett's wrapping things in the choir room! [Everybody laughs. She exits L.]

Mr. Barnaby

I'll just try those lights. [Exits L.]

Mrs. Gilliam

She has an engagement for dinner, but you notice she didn't say with whom! I don't think they ought to allow divorced women in the church!

Mrs. Tice

[Virtuously]: The church won't marry them!

Mrs. Gilliam

That's the trouble!


[Indicating]: The church will let 'em give stained glass windows!

Mrs. Gilliam

Where does she get all her money?

Mrs. Tice

Billy settled for thirty-six thousand a year!


[With growing amusement]: Think of getting thirty-six thousand a year out of munitions!... Gee, what a lot of lives that coat must have cost!

[Everybody laughs, and, on the laugh, enter Dr. Wadham. He is not the stage clergyman. On the contrary, he is a very pleasant and plausible person—plausible because he believes implicitly in himself. He has passed sixty, and has a really kind heart. But he has had no experience with life, and he has never been uncomfortable.]


[Hearing the door closed, looks around. Surprised]: Here's Dr. Wadham!

Mrs. Gilliam

Why, Doctor!

Mrs. Tice

We didn't know you were back.


I didn't know you'd been away, Doctor.

Dr. Wadham

[Shakes hands]: Ten days; attending a Conference on the Proper Use of Eucharistic Candles. It's a subject on which I feel rather strongly. [Turns R.] It's pleasant to see you, Mrs. Tice. And Miss Daffodil.

Mrs. Gilliam

Isn't Dilly looking wonderful?

Dr. Wadham

Quite wonderful! [Glancing at the tree] And what a beautiful tree! The star lights up, I suppose.


Well, we have hopes!

Dr. Wadham

Don't let me interrupt. I've only dropped in to keep an appointment with the wardens.

Mrs. Gilliam

We're all through, except for putting these gifts under the tree. [She busies herself with that task] Miss Jewett will be in with hers any minute. [Jerry, who has been contemplating an excursion to the choir room, returns from the door, and helps Mrs. Gilliam] The star is real imitation diamonds. A gift from Mrs. Tice.

Mrs. Tice

[Joining Dr. Wadham L.C.]: Speaking of gifts, Doctor——

Dr. Wadham

Yes, dear lady.

Mrs. Tice

My husband wanted me to have a little talk
