قراءة كتاب Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon

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‏اللغة: English
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon

Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8

CAROTTE. A carrot.

~La-ca-set'~, n. French, LA CASETTE. A box, trunk, or chest.

~La-clo-a~, n. French, LA CROIX. A cross.

~Lagh~, v. Chinook, LAKH. To lean; to tip, as a boat; to stoop; to bend over, as a tree. Wake mika lagh kopa okook house, don't lean against that house.

~La-gome~, n. French, LA GOMME. Pitch; glue. La gome stick, light-wood; the pitch-pine.

~La-gwin'~, or ~La-kween'~, n. Quære u. d. A saw.

~La-hál.~ See SLAHAL.

~Lahb~, n. French, L'HERBE. The arbutus uva ursi, the leaves of which are used in smoking, alone or mixed with tobacco.

~La-hásh~, n. French, LA HACHE. An axe or hatchet.

~La-kam-mas'.~ See KAMASS.

~Lak'-it~, or ~Lok'-it~, adj. Chinook, LAKT. Four; four times. Lakit taht-lelum, forty.

~La'-kles~, n. French, LA GRAISSE. Fat; oil. See, also, GLEASE.

~La-láh~, v. Chinook, LAKHWHOLA. To cheat; fool; to practise jokes.
Mamook lalah, to make fun.

~La-lahm'~, or ~La-lum'~, n. French, LA RAME.An oar. Mamook lalahm, to row.

~La-láng~, n. French, LA LANGUE. The tongue; a language.

~La-leem'~, n. French, LA LIME. A file.

~La-messe'~, n. French, idem. The ceremony of the mass.

~La-més-tin~, or ~La-mó-tchin~, n. French, LA MÉDECINE. Medecine, not including magic.

~Lam'-mi-eh~, or ~Lam-mi-i~, n. French, LA VIEILLE. An old woman.

~La-món-ti~, or ~La-mó-ti~, n. French, LA MONTAGNE. A mountain.

~La-peep'~, n. French, LA PIPE. A tobacco-pipe. Lapeep kullakala (literally, the "pipe-bird"), the band-tailed eagle, as its feathers were used to ornament the pipe stems.

~La-péhsh~, n. French, LA PERCHE. A pole; the setting-pole of a boat or canoe.

~La-pel-láh~, v. Quære if from the French, LE FOYER. Mamook lapellah, to roast before the fire.

~La-pelle'~, n. French, LA PELLE. A shovel or spade.

~La-pe-osh'~, n. French, LA PIOCHE. A mattock; a hoe.

~La-piége~, n. French, LA PIÉGE. A trap. Eena la piége, a beaver-trap.

~La-plash~, n. French, LA PLANCHE. A board.

~La-po-el'~, n. French, LA POÊLE. A frying-pan. Mamook lapoel, to fry.

~La-póme~, n. French, LA POMME. An apple.

~La-pool'~, n. French, LA POULE. A fowl; poultry. Siwash lapool, the grouse.

~La-poo-shet'~, n. French, LA FOURCHETTE. A fork.

~La-póte~, n. French, LA PORTE. A door.

~La-sánjel~, n. French, LA CINGLE. A girth; a sash; a belt.

~La-sée~, n. French, LA SCIE. A saw.

~La-sell'~, n. French, LA SELLE. A saddle.

~Lá-shal-loo~, or ~Lá-shal-lee~, n. French, LA CHARRUE. A plough.

~La-shán-del~, n. French, LA CHANDELLE. A candle.

~La-sháse~, n. French, LA CHAISE. A chair.

~La-shen'~, n French, LA CHAINE. A chain.

~Las-siet'~, n. French, L'ASSIETTE. A plate.

~La-swáy~, n., adj. French, LA SOIE. Silk; silken.

~La-táhb~, n. French, LA TABLE. A table.

~La-tet'~, n. French, LA TÊTE. The head. Pil latet, red-headed.

~La-tlah'~, n. French, TRAIN; as, "ne faites pas de train." (Anderson). A noise. Mamook latlah, to make a noise.

~La-wen'~, n. French, L'AVOINE. Oats.

~La-west'~, n. French, LA VESTE. A waistcoat.

~Lazy~, adj. English, idem. Lazy.

~Le-báh-do~ (often pronounced lab'-a-do), n. French, LE BARDEAU. A shingle.

~Le-bal'~, n. French, idem. A ball; bullet. Tenas lebal, shot.

~Le-bis'-kwie~, n. French, LE BISCUIT. Biscuit; crackers; hard bread.

~Le-blau'~, n., adj. French, LE BLOND. A sorrel horse; chestnut colored.

~Le-clem'~, n., adj. French, LE CRÊME. Cream-colored; a cream-colored or light dun horse.

~Le-cock'~, n. French, LE COQ. A cock; a fowl.

~Le-doo'~, n. French, LE DOIGT. A finger.

~Le-gléy~, n., adj. French, LE GRIS, or English GRAY, with French article. A gray horse; gray.

~Le-jaub'~. See DIAUB.

~Le-kléh~, n. French, LE CLEF. A key. Mamook le kleh, lock the door.

~Le-kloo'~, n. French, LE CLOU. A nail; nails.

~Le-koo'~, n. French, LE COU. The neck.

~Le-ky'e~, n., adj. Mr. Anderson derives this from a Canadian word caille, meaning a piebald horse. In its jargon use, it means, also, a spot, spotted, or speckled; as, lekye salmon, the spotted or winter salmon (salmo canis, Suckley).

~Le-lo'-ba~, n. French, LE RUBAN. A ribbon.

~Le-loo'~, n. French, LE LOUP. A wolf (the large wolf).

~Le-máh~, or ~Léh-ma~, n. French, LA MAIN. The hand; the arm. Kloshe lemah, the right (literally, the good hand); potlatch lemah, shake hands.

~Le-máh-to~, n. French, LE MARTEAU. A hammer.

~Le-mel'~, n. French, LE MULET. A mule.

~Le-mo'-lo~, n., adj. French Canadian, LE MORON; undoubtedly a corruption of MARRON, a runaway negro. Wild; untamed. It applies to men as well as animals, as, for instance, to the tribes which have had no intercourse with the settlements.

~Le-moo'-to~, or ~Lam'-mu-to~, n. French, LES MOUTONS. Sheep.

~Le-pan'~, n. French, LE PAIN. Bread; raised or light bread.

~Le-pee'~, n. French, LE PIED. The feet.

~Le-pish'-e-mo~, n. Quære u. d. The saddle-blanket and housings of a horse.

~Le-plét~, n. French, LE PRÊTRE. A priest.

~Le-pwau'~, n. French, LES POIS. Peas.

~Le-sak'~, n. French, LE SAC. A bag; a pocket.

~Le-sap'~, or ~Le-zep'~, n. French, LES OEUFS. An egg; eggs.

~Le-sée-blo~, n. French, LES ÉPERONS. Spurs.

~Le-sée-zo~, n. French, LE CISEAU. Scissors.

~Le-sóok~, n. French, LE SUCRE. Sugar.

~Le-táh~, n. French, LE DENT. The teeth.

~Le-whet'~, n. French, LE FOUET. A whip. Mamook lewhet, to whip.

~Lice~, n. English. Rice.

~Lik-pu'-hu~, or ~Lik'-po~, n. (Hale.)
